• Obra

    • Macbeth
      • Descripción
      • Índice
    • William Shakespeare     


      Level B1/B2

      • Descripción
      • Índice


      A Scottish general and his best friend in battle and life; a hero who turns into a bloodthirsty villain; his ambitious evil wife and a series of crimes committed to gain and keep the power over Scotland. In addition, the mysterious and ambivalent wisdom exuding from the witches, their magical power and spells, affecting human lives.

      The text includes a variety of activities for the four skills and dossiers to explore and expand the cultural and historical aspects associated with the story. The volume also provides a recording of some parts of the text.


      Dossier: William Shakespeare: Life and Career - The Three Witches - A Letter for Lady Macbeth - Plotting Turns into Murder - The Murder and its Consequences - The Killing of Banquo - The Banquet and Banquo’s Ghost - Another Visit to the Witches - Revenge, Sweet Revenge - Lady Macbeth’s Madness and Death - The Final Battle.

      Archivos adjuntos y enlaces web

      Mp3 online
  • Formatos de libro

    • Tapa blanda
      Tamaño: 15 x 21
      Impresión: A todo color
      Páginas: 160
      ISBN: 9788836003686
      Precio: € 10,90