• Obra

    • Mrs Dalloway
      • Descripción
    • Virginia Woolf     

      Mrs Dalloway

      Level B2

      • Descripción


      The action takes place in London, in 1923, five years after the First War World and relates a single day in the life of Mrs Clarissa Dalloway, an upper-class woman, who prepares for one of her charming evening parties. On that day Clarissa’s life is affected by several people she comes into contact with, particularly with the life of Septimus Warren Smith, a mentally damaged war veteran. Virginia Woolf reveals the differences in the way people think and see and treat one another, particularly she recounts the thoughts, the doubts, the worries and the feelings of Mrs Dalloway.

      The text includes a variety of activities for the four skills and dossiers to discover more about cultural and historical aspects and Mp3 files.

      Archivos adjuntos y enlaces web

      Mp3 online
  • Formatos de libro

    • Tapa blanda
      Tamaño: 15 x 21
      Impresión: A todo color
      Páginas: 128
      ISBN: 9788836008513
      Precio: € 9,90