Autor: Desideria Ferrari

2 resultados encontrados - página 1 de 1

    • Desideria Ferrari   

      Bacon and Eggs, or Fish and Chips: That is the Question!

      Determined to meet William Shakespeare and ask him the true meaning of his world-famous line “To be, or not to be - that is the question”, Todd Hunter, a high school student, embarks on a journey through time and space which takes him to the Globe in 1604. However, events take a very unexpected turn, and Todd is caught up in a series of hilarious adventures.

      Eventually, life will teach him a lesson he will never forget on the importance of literature.

      The volume includes two dossiers on Herbert George Wells and William Shakespeare, a wide range of four-skills activities and several KET-style tests.

      Online resources include full recordings of every chapter in Mp3 format.

    • Desideria Ferrari   

      The Adventures of Bob Buzzers. The Brave Little Fly

      Level A2/B1

      Bored with the sheltered tranquillity of the countryside, Bob Buzzers, a brave little fly, decides to set off for London to enjoy city life and learn more about humans.

      Once in London, Bob faces many unexpected challenges: he is trapped inside a school, fights a bully, shares a meal with a sparrow, escapes from an angry crowd, falls in love, witnesses mysterious events, and even ends up on the internet.

      The volume includes a dossier on the city of London and some of its most famous landmarks, a wide range of four-skills activities, and several KET-style tests.

      Online resources include full recordings of each chapter in MP3 format.